Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Stash (a.k.a how I store my fabric)

If you know me, you know I like fabric.  I really like fabric.  It's a good thing I sell what I make because if I didn't make at least a little bit of money doing these, we'd be broke.  (or more likely I wouldn't have this much fabric)

I'm also not the most organized person in the world.  I try to be, and I really wish I was but it just doesn't come naturally to me so my work space is generally a stack of stuff.  A few months ago I realized I really needed to get my fabric stash better organized so I went out and bought a bunch of huge foam boards from Michaels and cut them into 6 pieces.  That gave me little "bolts" to wrap my fabric around.  I now have almost all my quilting cottons bolted up and much of my home decor fabric as well.  I'm lucky enough to have a huge, extra deep closet to store it all in so I can fit it all in one place.

Just in case you're thinking that it's not all that much fabric, just remember that that is double thick. There's a whole row behind that front on of more fabric.  I have most of my jersey knits just stacked right now, I'm out of foam boards but I'm okay with that because I only have about 3 yards of it.  All my linens and canvas fabrics are stacked too, next time those foam boards go on sale I'll buy some more.

On the shelf below that I store all my fleece.  It's basically pushed back as far as it can go right now.  I tend to stock up when it goes on sale (in Bootie season I go through it fast).  I don't bolt the fleece.  The biggest benefit to the bolts is that the fabric doesn't get wrinkled and fleece doesn't wrinkle so I don't bolt it. The tote on the bottom there is full of smaller scraps, too small to bolt but too big to really go in my scrap bin.  Yes I have another huge box full of scraps.

So there you go.  Eventually I'll get a nice cabinet with glass doors so I can see all that pretty fabric all the time and hopefully keep me more motivated to keep it neat. 

How do you store your fabric/craft supplies?


  1. JoAnn's gives away their cardboards from bolts of fabric if you want to do it for free. :)

  2. We don't have a JoAnns unfortunately :(
