Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pin Cushion Love

I have a thing for pin cushions.  Thankfully I haven't actually accumulated any more than the one I have for myself but I can see myself one day really hoarding those things.

I've spotted a few on lately that I love so I thought I'd share them!

from: Minibytes (here in Calgary!)

from: Namolio

And in case you'd rather make your own than buy one, here's a roundup of some free pin cushion tutorials and patterns:






And there you go, there are probably WAY more pin cushion tutorials out there so if you have one you want me to add to the list, feel free to post me a comment with the link!



  1. I have the second one! I LOVE IT! I am a dork and named it Sebastian. Also, that third one is GORGEOUS.

  2. Oooh I really like the first! I want a purse that looks like that.....

  3. Suzanne, yes, but you are a wonderful dork!

    What a great collection of pin cushions. I have to get a closer look at a few of those!!!

  4. So cute--thanks for the round-up!
