Monday, March 7, 2011

little things to sew

Last month I had a birthday and naturally(?) I bought myself some presents.  The presents came in the form of sewing books that I ordered from One of the books I bought was the brand new Oliver + S Little Things to Sew 

I was super excited when I saw this book online and bought it before I even had time to look and see what kind of projects were in it.  It's filled with so many great things and as soon as I saw the Explorer Vest I knew I had to make some for the boys.

The first one I made went painfully.  A few things went wrong, there were a couple steps and instructions that I did differently, and it just took a LONG time.  In the end though, it turned out pretty good and the best part is the fact that since I finished Kaed's he hasn't taken it off.  He actually wanted to wear it to bed last night!  I finished up Brayer's today and he loves his just as much.  His came together MUCH quicker and all in all turned out better too.  The pattern fits his body style a bit better too so I think that really helps in the overall look.

A couple things I did differently was change the shape of the pockets and instead of using bias tape around the armholes (I didnt' have a good coordinating color) I simple folded and pressed the seams in and top stitched.

For the outer fabric I used a wool blend suiting material and for the inside a Toy Story print flannel.  I thought the Toy Story fabric would make them like the vests more but I don't think they really care.  Their favorite movie character, Hiccup (from How To Train Your Dragon) wears a vest so that immediately makes them cool in their eyes.

I managed to shoot a few pictures of the boys in them this afternoon but as it's -20 outside and I really don't have a good place to take inside pictures in my house they didn't turn out as well as I'd like.  Of course the constant jumping, running away, and general silliness of the kids didn't help either but at least they had fun!

So far the book has more than lived up to my expectations and both boys have already spotted other projects in there they want me to make.


  1. These are awesome, Hilda. The pictures of the boys are so adorable too.

  2. Your boys look wonderful in the vests! I hope you'll enjoy many more of the projects as well.

  3. omgosh those are so super cute.

  4. I can't get over how great these vests are and how cute the boys are in them. GREAT job, Hilda!

  5. I thought that book looked really cute too, although when I saw those vests my first thought was too much work. I'm amazed that you pulled off two of them! Wow!

    Does that pocket on the back really work? It looks like it would be really awkward.

  6. Ohhh, I saw your post when it came adorable!!! Your boys look so cute in them! You did a fabulous job hun!
